Responding to “Dear Anarcho-Capitalist Guys: No, We Will Never Sleep With You”

Libertarian Republic has posted “Dear Anarcho-Capitalist Guys: No, We Will Never Sleep With You” by Lily Goldberg

Goldberg claims that women’s political identification is relatively more influenced by social pressures. That is a major claim or admission.
She then continues with a categorical syllogism:
Major premise:

1. Women feel social pressure to hang out with men who are considered to be alphas.

Minor premise:

2. There are relatively less alphas among anarcho-capitalists than among many other movements and political parties.


Women do not want to be associated with ancap movement. She then adds her own value judgment that she would still like ancap movement to be more successful. Therefore she concludes that ancaps should become more alpha and less beta.

However, it seems that the beta problem follows from the same source and reason as the problem that women are relatively more susceptible to social pressure. In both cases the reason is evolutionary psychology.

Interestingly the writer herself seems partly aware of this when she admits that often women consider dominant and even sociopath men to have alpha traits.  So she admits that women are often not turned on by moral, honest and gentle men but by dominance and suave behavior.

She also admits that the state is a mafia-like aggressor that has enormous power. She realises that being on the side of the state and political process can make you rich and powerful and thus also appear much more alpha.

From this it should be clear that many male alphas want to be on the side of the winner, i.e. state and the powerful organisations that are close to it. Especially because that’s where the women are! Women are drawn to all forms of power even more than men especially in mate selection.

Evolutionary psychology emphasises that it is the women who are the bait or the honey pot that draws and motivates men. Women are the gate keepers.

So the writer has everything backwards. The problem does not stem from the biological fact that abstract freedom ideologies especially attract beta men who have economically or socially little to loose. The problem stems from the biological tendency that in the social sphere women are rather on the side of dominant amoral winners than moral losers.
You can already see this in schools where often the biggest bullies have the hottest chicks. Political scene just largely repeats this formula. Blaming the beta is to truly blame the victim no matter how creepy they are.

Though the situation is largely biologically influenced it is not biologically determined. It can be changed for the better:

First, women themselves should take part of the responsibility. They should be less concerned about social pressure and political correctness. Sadly, Goldberg does not blame women at all. Instead she just blames both beta and alpha males.

Second, beta males should at least try to “man up” and behave less like geeks and nerds. However, one has to realise that most of them cannot often help themselves and thus they should not be blamed for their natural betaness. Especiallly since betas are the backbone of every movement.
Third, alpha males should behave less amorally. They should fight for freedom even if it might make it more difficult to both gain power and score women.

Hoppe on Money and State

Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe visited Finland 7-10 May 2014. He met leading businessmen, politicians and journalists. He also gave two lectures. The first was about Money and State. Hoppe explained how the bank cartel creates money out of nothing.

The lecture took place in the Helsinki Business School. The lecture hall was packed full and Hoppe received raving applause. After the lecture Hoppe and professor Puttonen discussed monetary planning and took questions from the audience.

Link to the Facebook event page:

After the lecture Finnish Libertarians gave a dinner in Hoppe’s honour.

Hoppe dinner 1

On Friday Hoppe gave his second lecture. He explained how libertarian foreign policy is based on the Swiss model of non-interventionism. After the lecture there was open discussion. Audience included also many leftists who were interested to hear Hoppe denounce American imperialism.

Link to the facebook event page:

After the lecture Finnish Libertarians gave a dinner in Hoppe’s honour.

Hoppe dinner 2

During his visit Hoppe also gave an interview to the ruling Conservative Party newspaper. (Translation coming soon.)

Hoppe Nykypäivä